Hey 2010, Thanks for some really great stuff!
Now let the countdown begin...
Now let the countdown begin...
10. The Clutch
The clutch was my wardrobe saving grace this year allowing me to stay sassy and nimble no matter the occasion. The two featured purses are especially important as they promote reuse and style. I was fooled by the Kate Spade "Times Journal" clutch made from Tyvek paper and the vintage magazine clutch is the exact same one featured in an episode of Sex and the City, and for good reason.
Kate Spade NY Times

Vintage Magazine Clutch
9. Zuburbia
No matter what I'm doing I am compelled to put it all down to check out the marvelous VPOD's (Vintage Pick Of the Day). Great minds think alike and Zuburbia helps to spread the word about the luxuriousness of vintage and reuse.
8. Whiting and Davis Mesh
The garments made from this futuristic snakeskin brings glamour to whomever is fortunate enough to don it.
7. Gruvology
To call them hot is an understatement. They've trained with the best and have traveled the world, so I feel honored to call them friends and clients. These guys appreciate vintage and I appreciate them. Check them out at http://www.gruvologyjazz.com/
6. Designer John Patrick
He's fun, creative and most importantly compassionate. John Patrick's ORGANIC clothing line is a direct reflection of him which is why his pieces fit just about every personality.
5. Lincoln Center
Ahhh, NY Fashion Week got a serious dose of breathing room, and it's a good thing since everyone was beginning to suffocate on the high concentration of fabulous while packed inside of the previous venue.
You have to appreciate a person who fearlessly embraces lesser known designers and vintage so much so that they consciously wrap their most important client (First Lady Michelle Obama) in it whenever possible.

3. Couture Jewelry Designer Monique Pean
Yeah she's as sweet as she looks! I'm so glad that I got a chance to chat with her and see her jewelry up close. She makes archeology look good (literally).
2. O'Connell's
So important is this shop that New York Times Magazine did a story on them (Buffalo Hunting) which was in the NY Fashion Week issue. It wasn't until today that I actually discovered the piece while perusing periodicals from 2010 in an effort to write this blog entry. Here's an excerpt: "The shop’s insistence on details... might be seen as fetishistic or unmanly by the average Joe... the concept of the ‘men’s shop’... O’Connell’s has thrived ." I am fortunate to live in walking distance of O'Connell's and often do my shopping there.